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Golden Sparrow Energy & Mining Business Consulting Limited



Is a corporation based in Hong Kong S.A.R.

We are a consulting firm looking forward to assist project owners in the Americas in developing energy, oil, mining, infrastructure and technology ventures. Our focus is business consulting and marketing & commercial strategies for promoting those ventures in the Asian markets.


We assist our clients in market access campaigns, fundraising strategies, in order to enter the Chinese market or find a suitable partner or investor according to their needs.


The driving force behind our business are integrity and passion towards adding value for our clients, and at the same time helping them to achieve their financial targets and increase their business portfolio.

About us: Welcome

About Us

By knowing the best of two worlds, we can put together the expertise and network of our leading team in delivering a tailored made service for doing business between the Latin American and Asian jurisdictions.


We solve limitations such as distance, cultural and language barriers due to the experience dealing with cross-border negotiations. We are aware of the required roadmap and local risk assessment for investing in a successful project.


The knowledge in structuring EPC/PPP/BOT projects, alongside with the competence selecting feasible financing instruments regarding a particular project makes possible to close a prosperous deal.


We collaborate with individuals and companies in China interested in investing private assets in Latin America. This includes investors interested in acquiring gold mining concessions, green energy projects, biomass or garbage process plants, real estate projects, and technology transfer.


In mainland China, we collaborate with Private Equity and Venture Capital firms looking forward to develop the Latin-American market for their clients, including registered Funds at the China Security Regulatory Commission; looking forward to diversify their portfolio in ODI vehicles overseas.


Our proprietary system is based in our detailed workflow covering a venture industry on a case-by-case basis adding value to each transaction.


Our firm is the exclusive representative to Latin America for LehmanBush ( a full service investment, strategic planning and advisory firm.



Our primary service is identifying healthy and promising ventures in the Americas, available for Chinese or Asian Investors. We advice in Private Equity and & Venture Capital deals from early to mature state, assisting projects or owners with valuation metrics and organizing a proper term sheet for their business transactions.


We follow International Transparency and Compliance regulations and Code of Ethics applicable to the Investment Industry.


List of Services:


 – Corporate Finance Strategies

– Capital Raising Strategies 

– Merger & Acquisition Strategies 

– Blockchain and Asset Tokenization Strategies 

– Market Access Strategies

reunión de negocios



Finance Strategies


In terms of capital investment decisions, we advice our clients to create value for their business. On the buy side, we assist retail and institutional investors sourcing promising deals with high potential, taking into account risk assessment and placing technical due diligence prior to make a consideration. On the sell side, we assist project owners and private corporations in presenting their ventures to potential investors in our network. For such matter, we organize and assist on the building process for drafting or assessing their corporate presentations, including auditing their business models and discounted cash flows DCF Models in order to valuate an asset NPV or IRR for a sophisticated investor. 


Regarding capital financing, we advice our clients in assessing their funding requirements in order to improve or achieve an ideal combination between Equity and Debt relation in their capital structure (either low leverage or high leverage) according to their business goals. This strategic planning includes advising shareholders or investors looking forward to decide on dividends and return on capital metrics.

In order to optimize capital, our advisory services include assessing the current capital structure (senior or subordinated debt & equity) of a business in order to move forward with funding or capital raise strategies. After which we can advice our clients if a project financing structure is likely to be in place, or instead it can be decided if a private placement of shares would be an alternative, or issuing an Initial Public Offering IPO instead.


For this purpose, we deliver a tailored made advisory service introducing the available solutions, allowing the client for taking a more reasonable financial decision:


  • We provide consulting and advice on capital access alternatives such as syndicated loans including term loans & revolving lines of credit. 

  • Consulting on temporary financing tools for covering cost or working capital expenses such as bridge finance.

  • Consulting on independent structures for developing long term ventures such as project finance covering senior debt, subordinated debt (high yield or mezzanine) and equity debt; and 

  • Consulting on acquisition financial tools for purchasing other corporations or business units.

  • Consulting on Equity Capital Markets and Debt Capital Markets for advising clients on their Private Placement or Issuances of Common Shares or Stock, Initial Public Offerings as well as fixed income securities respectively.

  • Advice on exit strategies related to business owners and investors.


In this regard, we collaborate with Private Equity and Venture Capital firms actively looking for investment opportunities. We assist our clients in introducing their portfolio projects to such firms in both early stage business ventures for VC firms, and more mature business such as leveraged buyouts LBO funds or PE firms.

Consulta web


Raising Strategies

Edificios altos


 Merger &




Our services involve advising and accompanying a client on the acquisition strategies, negotiation, due diligence and purchase proceeding in order to achieve integration following the criteria and targets a corporation intended to accomplish. For this matter, we advice our clients increasing their market share and improving their financial resources, with cost effective solutions in order to maximize their revenue valuating both the target and synergies as well as the economies of scale related to the transaction.


Our service includes consulting on deal sourcing and review of the target companies, conduct due diligence on the target, asset or company valuation, funding strategies, deal negotiation and execution.

We advice business start-ups in technological solutions for developing their ventures and delivering their desired impact. This includes alternative financial mechanisms for reaching out to a larger audience and fulfil funding expectations.


We advice business entrepreneurs and corporate clients in tokenizing their assets and resort to technology as a mechanism to implement a blockchain ledger or encryption on their daily businesses. The latest is intended to have a positive impact on transparency, decentralization and security.


Furthermore, in compliance to AML and KYC standards, in order to achieve our clients project objectives, we advice entrepreneurs in developing raise fund alternatives, or crowdfunding solutions resorting to blockchain and convey their ideas into reality: (i) Initial Coin Offering ICO / Utility Token Offerings; (ii) Security Token Offerings STO or Equity Token Offerings ETO; (iii) Audit and implementation of Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications DApps.


For this purpose, our team collaborates with interdisciplinary groups and technical individuals with a robust experience in coding and programing for delivering tailored made solutions.

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 Blockchain and Asset Tokenization Strategies




Access Strategies

We assist foreign companies to access the Chinese or Asian markets. For this purpose, we collaborate with strategic partners specialized in the different clusters around the region. We follow up negotiation terms and assist foreign exporters finding their ideal local partner, or Chinese corporations sourcing a particular good or service from abroad.


For this matter, we advice our clients in the scope of their marketing campaigns, due diligence and verification process as well as purchase or licensing agreements looking forward to minimize risks during a transaction.



Mr. PUENTE REYES Angel Alfonso

Has practiced law for more than 13 years. Over his career Mr. Puente has advised Chinese companies in Foreign Direct Investment projects in Ecuador and South America on Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Mining and Energy. 


Angel Puente Reyes has more than 13 years of experience in his home country as legal and financial advisor and more than 10 years collaborating with Chinese clients. He has served in Ecuador as legal council for Five Fortune Global 500 Chinese State Owned Enterprises.


In addition to serving as Director at Golden Sparrow, Mr. Puente is the Director to Latin America at Lehman Bush (HK) Limited, and also serves as Partner and legal counsel.

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Deputy Chairman 

Wang Ru currently serves as President of Beijing GJHY Investment Management Co., Ltd. WT Enterprises Canada Ltd. and TW Group de Ecuador, and leads their operations in three countries.


Ms. Wang’s background combines experience in engineering and consulting, and she has counseled corporations, governments, and financial institutions on economic, financial, and technical risk assessment and management.


In Latin America, Ms. Wang has experience advising transport and energy companies. She is Executive President of TW Group de Ecuador where she leads a team to provide personalized, high quality logistic solutions for clients from across the world. Prior to that, she served as external consultant providing strategic advice to various Chinese state-owned companies that sought to explore Latin America’s energy and transportation sectors. 


Ms. Wang holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Hydropower Engineering from Wuhan University and the Certificate in Senior China Project Management Professional (CPMP), the best known in the field. 

Steering Committee



Chairman Emeritus 

Mr Yu Furong has committed more tan 20 years to the promotion of economic and commercial relationships between China and Latin America. Mr Yu has worked in the Commercial office at the Chinese Embassy in Peru, Bolivia, Panama and Ecuador. Mr Yu possess broad experience in this subject and a highly deep understanding of history, culture, politics and economy of the referred countries.

Research  Committee




External Advisor

In the field of Consultancy, Mr. Reyes has 22 years of practice in socio-economic, socio-environmental impact and cultural heritage issues. He has developed his work in the academic field for more than 15 years; being Professor and Researcher on topics related to International Political Economy, Geopolitics, Culture - Society and State, interculturality and multidimensional China-Latin America relations.
In addition to having several publications on his subjects of study in America, Europe and Asia, he has been a guest speaker at various universities and institutions in Latin America and China; currently being one of its central fields of research: the bilateral and bi-regional opportunities of the Belt and Road Initiative.






V. Hidalgo obtained the title of Mechanical Engineer at EPN in 2008, obtaining his master’s degree in Fluid Mechanics at CUMT (China) in 2012. In 2016 he completed his Ph.D studies in Power Engineering and Thermal Physics Engineering at the University of Tsinghua (China). He is currently An Associate Professor at EPN, is Head of Simulation – Informatics (FIM-EPN) and is a member of CIMEPI, IAHR and ADEPON. His research areas are: CFD, Fluid Mechanics.

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E. Valencia, obtained the title of Mechanical Engineer at EPN in 2008, obtained his master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at TUDelft (Netherlands) in 2011. In 2015 he completed his Ph.D studies in Power and Propulsion at the University of Cranfield (United Kingdom) (UK).


He is currently an Associate Professor at EPN, is  Head of Fluids and Turbomachine Laboratory (FIM-EPN) and is a member of AIAA and ADEPON.


His research areas are: Fluid Mechanics, Turbomachinery and Propulsion Architectures.

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BASILE  Leonardo

Researcher, Lecturer & Entrepreneur CAVOUND



Believer in science-oriented solutions to the biggest challenges of our time. Leonardo had pursued various trailblazing research ideas in Ecuador related to new materials and their real world applications, largely through his experience gained at several world class research institutions. Leonardo has been named Outstanding Researcher at his home institution, directed several research projects and published over 50 research papers, many of them on the best journals of the world. Further information can be found here.

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Advisory Group

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Sofía Margarita


Has more than 12 years of experience as legal adviser, specialized in migration, investment law and trade. In Ecuador, Ms. Altamirano has worked for widely recognized law firms, advising local and multinational firms.

Currently, she works as an independent legal advisor based in Europe, for South America and China investment and trade opportunities. Additionally, Ms. Altamirano has also provided policy advise on gender equality to some specialized NGO's and local governments in South America.

Ms. Altamirano holds a Law Degree from Universidad de las Américas (Quito), and a Master's degree in International Cooperation from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), with a concentration in renewable energy.

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Outstanding Public Accountant with more than 5 years of experience. He has served as an accounting advisor for different industries in Colombia. Despite his short professional career, he has worked for relevant Colombian companies. Including one of the largest exporting companies of agricultural products in the country. He has also served as consultant and advisor to Colombian retail businessess whom import from China.


He is a young visionary who aims to contribute to economic development. With a sound economic approach for evaluation of projects, and the search for new opportunities in the global markets. Fully determined to achieve his goals and those of his clients. Constantly awared of the challenges and opportunities that arise in international dynamics and local regulatory changes.

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Entrepreneur and business consultant with more than eight years of experiencia as project manager and business development. Mexican lawyer with a master’s degree in Chinese law and a speciality in Japanese law from Sophia University, Tokyo.

Victor Ramos has been employed as logistics director in international companies and is currently working as business consultant, legal advisor and collaborator with two foreign trade companies; as well as advisor in local ventures.

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Luis Felipe



Attorney with experience in the legal and business sector. Expert in Chinese commercial and civil law. Currently an Honorary Advisor to the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China. LuisFelipe holds publications on Hispanic-Chinese comparative law coordinated by the Ibero-american and Caribbean Institute of Law and Politics at the Chinese University of Political Science and Law and the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China. Passionate on finding new ways to integrate new technologies to enhance legal practice. LuisFelipe have actively participated in forums and international meetings in Asia on topics involving the use of new technologies blockchain, and artificial intelligence for management and administration in legal businesses, with honorific mentions by AIPPI China, by China International Import Expo, by Guangdong Lawyer Association and Dongguan Lawyer Association.

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WANG Nancy


An international marketer, passionate for business development and project management. With broad experience of over 8 years in top Fortune 500 companies within different industries such as Oil & Gas, Mining, Construction, Energy as well as in Event Marketing. She obtained a Bachelors Degree of Arts in Marketing from the U.S.A. as well as a Masters in Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Hong Kong.

She is multicultural and strives to better unite and build international connections between Asia and the Americas for a better, united and international economy. She is an advisor for the Chamber of Commerce of ROC in Ecuador, as well as an avid contributor to the local community.

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Data Analyst expert, passionate about Machine Learning and data visualization project development. I have 5 years of experience in Amazon. Graduated in International Relations with a specialization in Commercial Policy from the National University of Costa Rica and a specialization in Chinese-Mandarin in 中国 政法 大学, I am currently in my last year in Data Science Engineering from LEAD University.


I am a results-oriented professional, visionary and determined to solve my clients' problems, combining both areas of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Giovanni has experience advising companies on issues of strategy, analytics and data-driven decision making.

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Cinema and Culture

Historias del Ojo, is an audiovisual company created in co-production between Beijing and Quito, full service international video production company, telling stories worldwide, has the collaboration of different groups and creative individuals from the cultural and cinematographic sphere in China and Ecuador.


Our proposal is available in three languages: (Spanish-English-Mandarin)

Our mission is to build bridges between China and Latin America, thru cultural exchange.

We offer concept consulting creation, producing, post production services, curatorial assistance, advisory and exhibition programming, connecting art with people worldwide.

We have a team of filmmakers and art related experts, highly experienced and talented to work with diverse professionals:

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Ms. Xue Xue

Experienced bilingual video editor with demonstrated skills in digital advertising and media production, audiovisual director and communicator. Collaborating in full length documentary projects between Ecuador Spain and China.

- Collaborator of the China Documentary Center, 中国 纪录片 研究 中心 (Chinese Documentary Research Center) Entity that coordinates the Beijing International Documentary Film Festival, in turn publisher that contributes to documentary theory and research.

- Co director and editor (indigenous Amazonian woman leaders and livelihoods, film Project in progress)

- Scholarship awarded by the Andean University of Quito, credits in the master's degree in: Studies in Climate Change and Sustainable Development. 

- Audiovisual Producer, Master in Video and Sound Editing from China University of Communication.

- Languages ​​English 100% Spanish 80% Mandarin 100%


Mr. Tarik Núñez

Experienced Audiovisual director and communicator, art consultant and curator for exhibitions. Has worked in different audiovisual and photographic documentary projects in collaboration with different media agencies in Ecuador, USA, France, Spain, Colombia, Chile, Canada, China, as a correspondent.

- Cultural Manager Quito - Ecuador: Various personal and collective exhibitions in the most important galleries and museums in the country, awarded in the Ecuadorian art room. Personal exhibition in Beijing art gallery.

-Co director and photography (indigenous Amazonian woman leaders and livelihoods, film Project in progress)

- 中国 传媒 大学 Master in International Communication and management of Chinese Social Networks, web management and international journalism from the University of Communication of China. Graduated with honors.

- 北京 电影 学院 Scholarship awarded by the Beijing Film Academy, Diploma in Film Studies, Documentary.

- Quito Ecuador: Flacso Credits in Cultural Anthropology

- Scholarship awarded by the Universidad Andina Credits in the master's degree in: Studies in Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Yasuní Project

- Workshops and courses in: Script and Photography (Barcelona - Bogotá - Quito)

- Audiovisual Producer, graduated in Photography and Film Direction from the Faculty of Radio Cinema and Television of Havana - Cuba ISA (Instituto Superior de Arte)

- Primary studies in New York USA / Secondary Canada Toronto

- Languages ​​English 100% Spanish 100% Mandarin 40%

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Unit 1603, 16th Floor,

The L.Plaza,

367 -375 Queen´s Road Central, Sheung Wan,

Hong Kong

Phone: +8618201856635 

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Our focus is business consulting and marketing & commercial strategies for promoting those ventures in the Asian markets.

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